This digital download includes 5x A4 posters to support women through pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period that I currently use and have plastered around my house. Including my own personal poster Exemplars PLUS Plain Template copies for you to print and fill out with your own information! 1. Compassionate Caretaking Poster For those who struggle to slow down, to focus on one task at a time and feel the need to be productive: this poster is to distinguish between what you need to prioritise, what you want to prioritise, and what you can let yourself forget about. It’s also great for PP--others can look at the list and see what might need doing to help you out during their visit. 2. Wider Wellness Web Poster Outside of your “village” the people on your WWW are those you can call on or invest in for further support, whether that be emotional, physical or mental. It can be hard to remember where to go when we feel lost, so this is deeply supportive particularly for the Post-Partum period. It's important to curate resources outside of family and friends, just in case. 3. Joy Bringers Poster A reminder to prioritise joy! Not everything has to be serious. Sometimes it can be difficult to remember what brings you joy so by having a list on the wall, it brings you one step closer to brighten up your day in your own way. 4. Labour Snacks Poster Labour can be laborious (pun intended) so it’s important to fuel up on nutritious foods to support our energy AND it’s important for our birth support team (including our partners) to know how they can support us too--by bringing us items on this list! 5. Intimacy Igniters Poster Not only does intimacy stimulate oxytocin (great for milk production), it’s also DEEPLY important to connect with your partner after the birth in small ways--you may not have the time and energy for dates or sex, but intimacy requires less time and more presence and intention. Price in AUD